ASSET Tutorial

This document highlights the main activities covered by ASSET
  1. Renaming your document
  2. Adding an element to your sketch
  3. Describing an element in your sketch
  4. Deleting an element in your sketch
  5. Connecting two elements in your sketch
  6. Describing which tools were used in a sketch
  7. Exporting your sketch
  8. Importing a sketch

Renaming your document

In order to rename your current sketch, you have to hover your mouse over the title and click:

Hovering over title

The title will become editable and will be saved with the new text entered.

Adding an element to your sketch

On loading the ASSET sketching interface, at the bottom of the screen, a list of common tools (corresponding to the "Common Tasks" button) will be loaded in the tools panel adjacent to the 3 buttons. Clicking on the other buttons will load their respective tools in the tools panel.
Hovering over an item in the tools panel will show the item's name.

Hovering over element

Now just click the desired element and drag it to the canvas:

Hovering over element

Describing an element in your sketch

Click on the desired element and a table will appear on the left of the screen. Any of the properties of the table can be edited or deleted. By clicking on "Add property", a new row will be added in the table. The "Name" property will be displayed on the sketch.

Selecting an element

Deleting an element in your sketch

Select an element (an arrow or a task in the canvas) and press the "delete" key on your keyboard.

Connecting two elements in your sketch

First, add the two elements you which to connect in your canvas. Double click on one of the elements to turn it red.

Selecting an element

Then click on the target element and an arrow will be drawn:

Connecting two elements

Describing which tools were used in a step

To show what tools you used in a certain step of your sketch, first create a sketch and add a step.

Sketch with step'

Next, drag your desired tool from the bottom to the target element in your sketch and drop it. The selected tool will be shown under the element and will expand when the element is hovered over. In the description table, "tools used" will be automatically updated.

Tool is dropped;

Exporting your sketch

Click on the "Export Sketch" link on the lower part of the screen.

Importing a sketch

Click on the "Import Sketch" link on the lower part of the screen and choose a previously exported sketch from your file system.

Import Sketch;